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九五至尊娱乐城2:Winter Vacation Safety Guide | 九五至尊娱乐城2寒假安全全知道

2025年01月13日 21:14  点击:[]


The winter vacation is approaching, and safety is of paramount importance for all the students at home and overseas. The following details the key safety points during the winter vacation for you. Please read carefully and abide by them.

Domestic Student Articley


Pre-departure Preparation and Dormitory Safety


· Before leaving school, students need to clean the dormitory thoroughly. Carefully remove the sundries piled up on the balcony to eliminate fire hazards; thoroughly clean the indoor blind sectors and remove the residual garbage; keep the dormitory door clean and do not post any irrelevant items. The last student leaving the dormitory must close the doors and windows to prevent wind, rain and illegal intrusion, and cut off the power in the room to avoid potential dangers caused by electrical appliances being powered on for a long time. Don't forget to register the departure information in the lobby on the first floor of the apartment building to ensure that the school can keep track of everyone's travel status.

Domestic Student Article


Safety Guidelines for the Journey Home

·交通安全严守:优先选择正规营运车辆,坚决避开 “黑车”、超载、超员及非法运营车辆。这些车辆缺乏必要的安全保障,极易引发交通事故。

· Strictly Adhere to Traffic Safety: Give priority to choosing regular operating vehicles and firmly avoid unlicensed taxi, overloaded, overcrowded and illegally operating vehicles. These vehicles lack necessary safety guarantees and are extremely prone to traffic accidents.

· 结伴同行保障:家在同一方向的同学尽量结伴而行,女生尤其要注意,同伴之间可以相互照应,增强安全系数。

· Travel in Company for Safety: Students whose hometowns are at the some direction should try to travel together as much as possible. Female students should pay special attention. Companions can take care of each other and enhance the safety factor.

· 财物保管要点:途中密切留意现金及贵重物品,放置在贴身且安全的位置,防止被盗。

· Key Points for Property Custody: Pay close attention to cash and valuables during the journey and place them in a safe position close to the body to prevent theft.

· 社交警惕原则:不要轻信陌生人,对于过于热情的 “老乡” 等保持戒心,不随意透露个人重要信息。

· Principle of Caution in Social Interaction: Do not trust strangers easily. Be vigilant against overly enthusiastic "fellow villagers" and do not disclose important personal information at will.

· 诈骗防范核心:时刻警惕各类诈骗手段,不贪图小利。无论是网络刷单、高额回报投资还是同情骗局,都要果断拒绝。

· Core of Fraud Prevention: Always be vigilant against various fraud means and do not be greedy for small gains. Whether it is online order brushing, high-return investment or sympathy scams, firmly refuse them.

· 冲突应对策略:遇到冲突,及时求助场所服务人员或警察,切勿私了,以免后续产生更多麻烦。

· Conflict Coping Strategies: In case of conflicts, seek help from the service personnel at the venue or the police in time. Do not settle privately to avoid further troubles.

Domestic Student Article


Details of Home Safety


· Health Protection Measures: Strengthen physical exercise to improve the body's resistance and prevent diseases such as influenza. Prepare for severe cold and frostbite. If symptoms such as fever and cough appear, seek medical treatment in time and wear a mask to avoid cross-infection.

· 水电火安全使用:用火用电用气时严格遵守安全规则,取暖器与可燃物保持距离,电热毯正确使用,人走断电,防止触电、煤气中毒和火灾事故。

· Safe Use of Water, Electricity and Fire: Strictly abide by the safety rules when using fire, electricity and gas. Keep heaters away from combustibles, use electric blankets correctly and turn off the power when leaving to prevent electric shock, gas poisoning and fire accidents.

· 饮食健康均衡:保持规律生活作息和健康饮食,避免暴饮暴食,减少高盐、高糖、油炸和熏制食品摄入,适量饮酒。

· Healthy and Balanced Diet: Maintain a regular life schedule and a healthy diet, avoid overeating, reduce the intake of high-salt, high-sugar, fried and smoked foods, and drink moderately.

· 兴趣培养方向:培养积极健康的兴趣爱好,远离赌博、酗酒和不良聚会。

· Direction of Interest Cultivation: Cultivate positive and healthy interests and hobbies and stay away from gambling, excessive drinking and negative parties.

· 烟花燃放规范:遵守当地烟花爆竹管理规定,文明、安全燃放。

· Regulations for Fireworks Discharge: Comply with the local regulations on fireworks management and set off fireworks in a civilized and safe manner.

Domestic Student Article


Precautions for Going Out


· Travel Planning and Reporting: Plan the travel itinerary in advance and inform parents or counselors. Reduce going out in bad weather and check the weather conditions at the destination in advance.

· 交通规则践行:过马路注意观察车辆,乘坐合法车辆,有驾照的同学严禁酒驾、醉驾等违规驾驶行为。

· Practice Traffic Rules: Pay attention to vehicles when crossing the road and take legal vehicles. Students with a driver's license are strictly prohibited from drunk driving, speeding and other illegal driving behaviors.

· 人身财产安全维护:尽量结伴外出,妥善保管财物,不向陌生人透露证件信息,避免人员聚集场所,遇到突发事件冷静求助。

· Maintain Personal and Property Safety: Try to go out in company, take good care of property, do not disclose ID information to strangers, avoid crowded places and ask for help calmly in case of emergencies.

· 陌生人警惕心理:对过分热情的陌生人提供的帮助果断拒绝,防止陷入危险。

· Vigilance Against Strangers: Firmly refuse the help offered by overly enthusiastic strangers to prevent getting into danger.

· 通讯畅通保障:保持手机电量充足,随时与家人和老师保持联系。

· Ensure Uninterrupted Communication: Keep the mobile phone fully charged and stay in touch with family and teachers at all times.


Anti-Telecom Fraud Strategies


· Protect Information Security: Do not browse unfamiliar websites, do not scan QR codes and click links casually, and do not leave personal information easily.

· 来电谨慎处理:拒绝陌生人视频电话和信息采集,不接不理。

· Handle Incoming Calls Cautiously: Reject video calls from strangers and information collection. Do not answer or pay attention.

· 刷单贷款拒绝:坚决抵制网络刷单和非法贷款等诈骗陷阱。

· Refuse Order Brushing and Loans: Firmly resist online order brushing and illegal loan fraud traps.

· 防骗能力提升:关注反诈公众号和下载反诈 APP,增强防骗意识和能力。

· Enhance Anti-Fraud Ability: Follow anti-fraud official accounts and download anti-fraud apps to enhance anti-fraud awareness and ability.


Key Points of Internship Safety


· Learn and Apply Laws: Study labor and civil laws to enhance the legal concept and protect one's own rights and interests.

· 自我保护强化:选择正规实习单位,不透露财产信息,注重安全防护。

· Strengthen Self-Protection: Choose regular internship units, do not disclose property information and pay attention to safety protection.


Network Security Guidelines

· 合理上网习惯:不沉迷网络游戏和电子游戏,远离不良网络平台和群组。

· Reasonable Internet Habits: Do not be addicted to online games and electronic games and stay away from bad online platforms and groups.

· 安全浏览下载:选择官方网站和应用程序,防范病毒和恶意软件。

· Safe Browsing and Downloading: Choose official websites and applications to prevent viruses and malicious software.

· 文明理性上网:理性看待热点问题,不造谣、不传谣,反对网络暴力,遵守法律法规。

· Civilized and Rational Internet Use: View hot issues rationally, do not spread rumors, oppose cyber violence and abide by laws and regulations.

· 正能量传播行动:弘扬社会主义核心价值观,文明上网,传播优秀文化,营造良好网络氛围。

· Positive Energy Dissemination Actions: Promote the core socialist values, surf the Internet in a civilized manner, disseminate excellent culture and create a good network atmosphere.

Overseas Students Chapter


Cultural Respect and Integration


Overseas students in Poland should actively understand and respect the unique local cultural customs. When participating in traditional festival celebrations or cultural exchanges, it is necessary to follow the local behavior norms and etiquette requirements. This can not only help to integrate into the local society better but also avoid unnecessary misunderstandings or conflicts caused by cultural differences.


Personal Safety Guarantee

· 九五至尊娱乐城2安全规范:在九五至尊娱乐城2内严格遵守九五至尊娱乐城2的各项规章制度,熟悉九五至尊娱乐城2安全设施的位置和使用方法。尽量在光线明亮、人员较多的区域活动,避免夜间独自在偏僻角落行走。

· Campus Safety Regulations: Strictly abide by the school's various regulations on campus and be familiar with the location and use methods of campus safety facilities. Try to stay in bright and populated areas and avoid walking alone in remote corners at night.

· 外出安全防范:外出时务必结伴而行,提前规划好路线,选择安全可靠的交通工具。避免前往治安状况不佳或人员复杂的区域,时刻保持对周围环境的警惕,确保自身安全。

· Outgoing Safety Precautions: When going out, it is essential to travel in company. Plan the route in advance and choose safe and reliable means of transportation. Avoid going to areas with poor security or complex personnel and always be vigilant about the surrounding environment to ensure personal safety.


Property Safety Management

· 宿舍财物保管:宿舍内将贵重物品妥善存放于有锁的柜子或抽屉中,离开宿舍时务必关好门窗,防止财物被盗。

· Dormitory Property Custody: Keep valuables properly stored in locked cabinets or drawers in the dormitory. Be sure to close the doors and windows when leaving the dormitory to prevent theft.

· 外出财物防护:外出时只携带必要的现金和贵重物品,并将其放置在安全且易于看管的地方,如贴身口袋或有拉链的包内,防止在人员拥挤的地方遭遇盗窃。

· Outgoing Property Protection: Only carry necessary cash and valuables when going out and place them in a safe and easily supervised place, such as a pocket close to the body or a bag with a zipper, to prevent theft in crowded places.


Emergency Response

· 信息牢记于心:牢记波兰当地的紧急救援电话,如火警、急救、报警等,同时将九五至尊娱乐城2的国际学生办公室电话、随行教师、辅导员联系方式以及当地中国大使馆的紧急救助电话存储在手机的快捷拨号中,以便在紧急时刻能够迅速求助。

· Keep Information in Mind: Remember the local emergency rescue numbers in Poland, such as the fire alarm, first aid and police numbers. At the same time, store the phone numbers of the international student office of the school, accompanying teacher,the counselor's contact information and the emergency assistance number of the local Chinese embassy in the speed dial of the mobile phone for quick help in an emergency.

· 冷静应对处置:遇到突发紧急事件时,保持冷静,第一时间拨打当地紧急救援电话,并向九五至尊娱乐城2相关部门报告情况。在等待救援过程中,尽量寻找安全的地方躲避,遵循救援人员的指示,积极配合救援工作。

· Calm Response and Handling: In case of a sudden emergency, stay calm and call the local emergency rescue number immediately and report the situation to the relevant department of the school. While waiting for rescue, try to find a safe place to hide and follow the instructions of the rescue personnel and actively cooperate with the rescue work.


It is hoped that students, whether at home or abroad, can keep safety in mind and have a safe, happy and fulfilling winter vacation!

上一条:校领导亲切会见九五至尊娱乐城2波方来校授课教授代表团 下一条:中波课程共建进行时 | 九五至尊娱乐城2举行教学交流沟通会

